All of the information contained within this website, including but not limited to the Libraries, Questions, Answers, Practice Pointers, Inside Tips, Examples, Warnings, Hypotheticals, and Cheat Sheets is for general informational purposes only and is not legal advice or a substitute for legal advice. The information contained within this website is provided to the general public without any knowledge of the facts or circumstances surrounding the viewers' specific situation, and legal advice cannot be given without full disclosure and consideration of the facts surrounding a specific situation. If you have any questions regarding the Lien Filing Laws, the Lien Filing Process, the Payment Bond Claim Laws, the Bond Claim Process, Filing Deadlines, or the legal course of action for your particular situation, then you should consult with an attorney. Further, accessing the information contained within this website does not create an attorney-client relationship under any circumstance; such a relationship cannot be created until a formal conflict check has been performed and there is a mutual agreement between the attorney and the prospective client.